Jelqing Results
Starting penis stats;
NBPEL: 6.12 inches
BPEL: 6.81 inches
EG: 6.06 inches
Current penis stats;
NBPEL: 7.12 inches
BPEL: 7.81 inches
EG: 6.31 inches
1st Jan 2020 goal;
NBPEL: 7.5 inches
BPEL: 8.2 inches
EG: 6.5 inches
My Year 1 Jelqing Results Graph

BPEL = Bone Pressed Erect Length – When the penis is 100% erect, measure from the pubic bone to the tip of the glans. With the penis perpendicular to the body, place a ruler on to the top of the penis and press it into the fat pad towards the pubic bone. Take the measurement that is in line with tip of the glans.
NBPEL = Non bone pressed Erect Length – When the penis is 100% erect, measure from the fat pad of the pubic bone to the tip of the glans. With the penis perpendicular to the body, place a ruler on to the top of the penis so it is just touching the fat pad. Take the measurement that is in line with tip of the glans.
EG = Erect Girth – When the penis is 100% erect, measure the circumference of the widest part using a seamstress tape. Do not over tighten.
Graph Analysis
Looking at the graph it can be seen that my largest gains by far were in the first 1 – 3 months. These are newbie gains which will be the best gains you will ever achieve. In March, my length gains plateaued with my girth excelling. This was due to Jelqing with an erection quality (EQ) above 90% every session. At this point I changed my routine to concentrate on length as this should be focused on first if length is your primary goal. In June I could feel myself starting to plateau again and other indicators like my flaccid hang (FH) seemed to be less than normal. At this point I added an All Day Stretcher (ADS) into my routine to prevent turtling, which had a substantial effect on my FH. In October I started hanging as my BPEL had plateaued again. Since adding hanging my gains have been more stable. For consistent gains, I found that combining Jelqing & stretching with an ADS & hanging was the best technique.
On average I gained 0.08 inches per month. These gains are tiny in comparison to my goals, however, Rome wasn’t built in a day and adding these gains up over a twelve month period achieved my goal of 1 inch.
I will be continuing with natural penis enlargement and will hopefully achieve my goal by 1st January 2020.
Jelqing Results Before and After